Brian Leacock joined the Gustavson School of Business in 2004. He holds a dual role with the faculty as both an assistant teaching professor and associate director of its International Office.
Brian teaches undergraduate and graduate courses to diverse student groups and brings a global/interdisciplinary orientation to the classroom. He places special attention on understanding and practically navigating our globalized world. In the classroom he strives to connect with students as individuals so as to nurture their development and be the inspiration for their growth. He recognizes that each student has his or her own unique personal aspirations, as well as learning style.
维多利亚大学是加拿大最好的综合性大学之一,建立于1963年,位于卑诗省的省会维多利亚市,在北美及全世界都享有很高的声誉。维多利亚大学以其优美的学 习环境,一流的研究,和激发性的教学风格得到了广泛认可。在泰晤士报高等教育年度全球大学排行榜上,维多利亚大学位居第177位,并且在全球50年以下历 史的学校榜单排名第11位,为加拿大在此榜单中排名最靠前的大学。 维多利亚大学商学院于1990年成立,2010年重命名为Peter B. Gustavson商学院。维多利亚大学商学院拥有雄厚的师资力量和不断创新的管理团队,在国际上频获大奖。并是世界上为数不多的同时获得国际优秀商学院协会(AACSB)认证和欧洲质量认证体系(EQUIS)认证的知名商学院。
目前,我院已经与加拿大维多利亚大学(University of Victoria)建立了本科2+2项目。项目时间为两学年,顺利完成学业之后获得维多利亚大学和北京交通大学的双方学士学位。