主讲人介绍 :Ravi Subramanian是乔治亚理工大学Scheller商学院技术管理教授以及运营管理副教授,是运作管理顶级期刊(UT达拉斯24种期刊)Production and Operations Management Journal(POMS)可持续运营的领域主编。Ravi教授的研究聚焦供应链运作管理与公共政策、战略、营销和产业生态的交叉领域,涉及供应链的环境立法,闭环供应链,企业社会责任和可持续发展三个方向。他的研究成果发表在“Journal of Operations Management”,“Production and Operations Management”,“Manufacturing and Service Operations Management”, “Journal of Industrial Ecology”等运作管理的顶级期刊上,研究成果被彭博商业周刊、福布斯杂志、路透社和雅虎财经等广为报道。 2012年Ravi荣获Production and Operations Management协会首届Paul Kleindorfer可持续性发展奖。Ravi教授还是一位优秀的MBA(EMBA)教师。他为MBA讲授运作管理和供应链管理的核心课程,擅长讲授公司应如何维持经济、环境和社会可持续运作的平衡关系,曾多次荣获Scheller商学院杰出教学奖。
讲座:日期:2018/5/23 时间:14:00-16:00
When do Appointments of Corporate Sustainability Executives affect Shareholder Value?
Although there is a growing literature on environmentally and socially sustainable practices and their relationships with various measures of firm performance, little is known about the nature of the empirical link between appointments of corporate sustainability executives (CSEs) and financial performance. We add to the understanding of this link by estimating the stock market reactions to 111 announcements of CSE appointments made by publicly listed firms during the period 2000–2016. Our findings demonstrate nuances in the stock market reactions to CSE appointments, enabling executives and stakeholders to better understand the shareholder value effects of appointing CSEs to top management teams.